Thunder really enjoyed turning 5. As is customary in his life- we celebrated on his Birthday. He had a party with some of his friends. His party was at the
Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary and included being able to feed turtles and ducks, hold salamanders and snakes, watch a toad and turtle eat a worm, as well as other interesting tidbits. The interpreter was wonderful and the kids ( as well as parents who stayed along ) thought he was great. Grandma and Grandpa came along to help and bring a delicious cake too! Aunt Laura and Jason came over for the night and lended a hand at the party and afterward. Thunder chose wendys ( !!! ) for lunch and shared with other customers that it was his 5 year birthday- TODAY! We skyped grammie belle and grampie fred and watched grampie fred make some funny faces from the hotel Laura and Jason were staying at. Thunder recounted his funniest gift- socks and underwear from the Hatfields which made him laugh at breakfast. Guess he wasn't expecting that at all. Nor was I - as it made me laugh out loud too. He had so much fun with a whole bunch of gifts and seemed though everything he hoped for he received.
The anticipation was really too much for him, all week he was counting down to the big day. One night( four more days ) he arose every 10- 15 minutes asking is it morning yet? Well, Mark brought him to TOYS R US to look and choose a gift from his dad- so that he could think about that instead of what he might see on his day! Seemed to sleep the nights following. So he is five- five five five- LIVE IT UP!
How long before he starts asking about being six?